The BIG 'introduce yourself' thread

Hi Kevin, hello SuperModular people :wave:

I’m a professional engineer drawn to complex adaptive systems. All the systems that matter most to our future health and well-being are complex and adaptive. These systems also include people of course, so I’ve been an avid student of the social sciences for the past decade.

I really got into the web at the close of the 90s. I helped launch Firefox into Europe, and ran the UK’s PayPal equivalent back when PayPal was only available in the US. I have been an official UK champion of IPv6, convened the UK’s first Internet of Things conference, and developed an architecture for decentralizing the UI. A low/highlight was being threatened with breaching the Computer Misuse Act by a UK government department for ‘liberating’ UK flood data. Five years later, a company doing the same thing won an inaugural prize from the Open Data Institute. Progress!

I was contacted by the Ethereum Foundation pre-ICO on the back of writing about DAOs, and I worked with Ethereum co-founder Mihai Alisie for four years at the AKASHA Foundation. I have developed some expertise the digital mediation and augmentation of human identity, and how that differs in not insubstantial ways from today’s digital identity protocols and systems. See

I’m looking forward to learning more about SuperModular and contributing where I can. :heart_eyes: